Hello, all of the iOS devices users to we are here with the latest article about Jailbreak. Electra jailbreak ( Electra CoolStar ) Reddit jailbreak. If you don’t know about jailbreak so you can find our other articles related to jailbreak tweaks. There are many options to jailbreak your iPhone or any other iOS devices, but which one is best for you this thing is most important for us.

Electra jailbreak ( Electra CoolStar ) Reddit jailbreak

So there is a great jailbreak tool available for you which will help you to jailbreak your iOS device, and the name is Electra jailbreak ( Electra CoolStar ) this jailbreak tool works awesome with iOS devices. But if you don’t know about what is a jailbreak, so we will tell you what jailbreak is and how its work with the iOS device.

Jailbreak is a method which will help you to install tweaked apps on your iPhone, iPad or iPod without pay money. Yes, it is also possible with Apple smartphones jailbreak is a system which will break all the restrictions of Apple iOS and allow you to install any app on your device. So jailbreak is a good option if you are looking forward to doing something different with your iPhone.

Electra CoolStar Jailbreak Reddit jailbreak

Now let’s talk about the Electra jailbreak. This is a jailbreak tool which you can download and install for your iPhone or other iOS devices. This tool is recently updated, and it is one of the best updated launched by Electra Jailbreak developers. If we talk about the tool usability, so this tool is straightforward to use, and you can get efficiently work with it and make your iPhone more tweakable. Reddit jailbreak

As we told The Electra Team recently updated their tool and updated version came with version 1.1.0. Far apart from all in one uncover jailbreak by pwn20wnd, the Electra jailbreak is divided Into two versions the first is iOS 10.0-11.1.2 and the second one is supported iOS version 11.2-11.4 beta 3. Even after both tools are received necessary updates.

Both iOS versions get the different official changes logs for both tools, The following changes are given below.

Electra jailbreak for iOS 11.2-11.4 beta 3 CoolStar

  • Offer more reliability of VFS exploit
  • Resolve infrequent freezes that would result in a kernel panic from a watchdog timeout
  • Resolve the incidental data abort kernel panics
  • Split Cydia into a base and GUI package such that it can be installed alongside Sileo
  • Update APT and dpkg packages to support Sileo

Electra jailbreak for iOS 11.0-11.1.2 CoolStar

  • Resolve incidental stuck that would result in a kernel panic from a watchdog timeout
  • Resolve ancillary data abort kernel panics
  • Split Cydia into a base and GUI package like that it can be installed alongside Sileo
  • Update APT and dpkg packages to support Sileo

Especially, the Electra team’s Sileo package manager first public beta was released this week. These Electra tool updates give initially support for the latest package manager and are required to use it.

Jailbreak iPhone

Hence, One more thing is that CoolStar frees an old version of Electra jailbreak tool, while the latest update is also going to open source. According to the news, there is no security that in the feature it will change or not.

Besides, If you are still using the Electra instead uncover. Then its good to get updated the latest updated version of Electra jailbreak to get the benefits of the latest bug fixes and more powerful and trusted features. To summarize, can download both of the newest version. The Download link provided you below.

NOTE- Copy and Paste the link in the browser and open for download.

1-    https://coolstar.org/electra/

2-    https://coolstar.org/electra1112/

Even if you are working with Uncover jailbreak so you can unfollow the update of Latest Electra jailbreak till then, you would like to use Sileo instead of Cydia.